Wednesday, August 18, 2010

S: Will He or Won't He?

The status of my date on Friday is currently in question. Because why should anything going on in my world just be or not be? I do so enjoy instability and uncertainty.

I also enjoy being facetious.

And using $9 words.

Back to the point. On Saturday night, after exchanging a few texts, Mr. 21 asked if I wanted to hang out again. I asked if he meant he wanted to take me out. (When a girl needs a date, sometimes she has to lead a bit). He responded in the affirmative and told me to just tell him when.

Time for strategery. How soon should I be available? He knew I had just broken up with someone, so I thought it would be o.k. to be available inside a week. That and I don't really care what he thinks. So I told him I had nothing on the schedule for Friday. Might as well get this out of the way.

He indicated that would work for him, so I asked what he had in mind. He said it was up to me. A bit later, I sent him a couple of suggestions. Knowing we would have very little in common and not much to say to each other (can you say “quota date”?) I suggested either dinner and arcade games (I know what the kids like) or dinner and a movie. Two things that will not require a ton of conversation once the food has been consumed. I don’t mind trying for a little while. He could end up being interesting. (O.k., who am I kidding, I just want the food.)

By this time, it’s nearly 3 in the morning, so his response was that he would text me the next day to get it figured out. I thought that sounded like a decent plan.

But then, nothing. He never texted the next day. Or the day after that. Or at all.

I think he lost his nerve. My guess is that he had some liquid courage working in his favor on Saturday night and once that was gone, the prospect of being at all interesting to a hot 30-something chick was daunting. (I almost typed that with a straight face.)

Actually, he probably decided that he has no interest in dealing with such an old fart.

I’m not bothered by this. I really have no interest in him.

I do have interest in having a date set up in August so I can get back in the game though. The problem is that if I reach out to him, it will imply interest on my part where there is none. This will make the inevitable “no we should not go out again” conversation a little more difficult. Why would I bug him about setting up a first date if I had no intention of spending any further time with him?

Then, yesterday, he friended me on Facebook. I was surprised that he did, since I haven’t heard from him, but I assume he wanted to do a little social media recon before he made any further plans with me. Fine. I accepted the request. Let him recon. Aside from a few old pictures of me as a fatty, there isn't anything to hide.

Still, I have not heard from him. Maybe the fatty pics scared him off.

Basically, all this means that I don’t know if I actually have a date on Friday. And I’m not sure how to respond to him if he does contact me at this point or beyond. It’s kind of rude to wait this long to make firm plans.

If he texts me on Thursday night, do I just say, "Sorry dude, I didn’t hear from you, I made other plans"?

Or do I take the date so I meet my quota for the month? Who cares if he has bad dating practices? I’m not going to see him again anyway.

Or do I take the date because I really don’t want to stay home Friday night? Having something going on is way better than having nothing going on because an evening of nothing leaves too much room for thinking about things that I’m rather tired of thinking about.

I guess we’ll see what happens if I hear from him. I'll have to just live in the moment. It's doubtful that I will hear anything at this point. I think he doesn’t have the guts. But, maybe he does. I’ll let you know. Probably while I'm eating pizza and drinking wine while watching Netflix on my sofa. With the cats.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, that was SO me on Saturday! I hope that your maybe-date works out than mine did. :-\

    Just know that I feel your pain. Can't wait to hear how it goes!
