Saturday, November 13, 2010

S: October Fades

It’s been more than a month and Mr. October and I have continued to exchange texts and the occasional (awkward) phone chat. Although, in the last week that has really dropped off. And I can't say that I mind. Last week he suggested a third date and I told him we should do that and all he had to do was let me know when he was available. But really, I was only going to use it as an opportunity for a face-to-face chat about how he is wasting his time on me and we should probably both move on.

After two dates and a lot of digital conversation, I feel nothing for him. We’re awkward together. He’s sweet and says very complimentary things to me, but I don’t feel comfortable around him. We don’t easily fall into conversation. We don’t laugh at the same things. We don’t have a lot in common. He’s a good guy and treats me kindly, but we don’t relax around each other and it’s not that fun.

AND suddenly, he’s all about sex. O.k., really this started a couple of weeks ago. There would be text conversations about how long it’s been for him. Sometimes it was just cute flirting, but then it became obvious that this man, while a complete gentleman in person, just needs to get his rocks off.

He tells me he knows there aren’t sparks between us, but he wants to “cuddle.” He’s told me that he believes he’s unable to feel deeply for a woman after the end of his marriage. And yet he’s making a play for a physical relationship. Yes, he’s an adult and what adult doesn’t need other adult companionship? But how can he expect that kind of companionship without a connection? Without feelings?

I know I can’t. I have to have the feelings. And I’ve told him as much. At some point, one of our “it’s been a while” conversations got serious and I told him I wasn’t going to be the one to help him get back on the bike. I just can’t do it that way.

So I think all of his compliments and sweetness are an effort to conjure up a relationship. I get the impression he’s trying to make something happen so I’ll get physical with him. I hate to be cynical about this kind of stuff all the time, but it’s experiences like this that make me believe guys never mean a single sweet thing they say. They’ve just learned the sounds we like to hear that will make our pants come off.

It’s like they’ve figured out the right bird calls to get us to circle so they can shoot us down.

I get crap all the time for not being able to take a compliment. But here is a perfect example for making the case that men only compliment you to get you to sleep with them. This is why I think it’s all bullshit when I hear it. I want to believe it, and sometimes, just to feel good, I let myself believe it…but then, once again, “You’re beautiful” turns into “Let’s cuddle.”

Anyway, I’ve been very clear with Mr. October that it’s not going to happen. That I’m not interested in getting involved (especially with someone who has admitted he won’t have feelings for me) and not being involved means not being physical. And this is why I feel like he’s wasting his time and when I continue to converse with him it’s just giving him the impression that there’s a chance.

I don’t want to just be mean and blow him off or end it via text, but I find myself continuing to have to explain that we aren’t going to have a physical relationship. And no matter how many times I tell him that, it seems like any text conversation we have turns into innuendo and how he wants someone to be physical with.

At this point, I have not heard from him for several days. He’s had a very busy week with work and his kids, so this doesn’t surprise me. But I also think it’s because our last exchange of texts did not go too well. The last day I heard from him, I got two messages from him and both of them were about sex. I was actually offended, so my responses were terse and I didn’t make an effort to start or continue any kind of conversation. And I haven’t had anything to say to him since.

We’ve been out twice. We hardly know each other. I won’t even let him kiss me. The fact that he feels like he can be so crude with me is offensive, even though I’m not the hoity-toitiest girl on the block. I can joke and be just as crass as the next guy, but when you hardly know me, you need to maybe pretend you think I’m a lady. It’s a respect thing.

So if he’s going to drop it, I am too. I did notice he’s back on OkCupid. Perhaps he’s found someone else to focus his attention on. I hope so. He deserves someone who wants to be with him and someone who will make him feel feelings. He shouldn’t have to make such an effort to make himself feel something or orchestrate a relationship. Those pieces should just fall into place.

Best wishes, Mr. October. I’m glad to have known you. I wish you could have helped me fix my snow blower, but it definitely wasn’t worth the “payment” I was going to have to make. I hope you find your Bella.

Friday, November 12, 2010

S: Long Time, No Sheila

I really have no reason for being absent other than I haven’t felt like I’ve had much to talk about lately. Maybe it’s just that nothing new is happening. My life is very “second verse same as the first” right now. But everything is cyclical, so here’s to some freshness. I do like when things get fresh.

Things are moving and shaking in the dating world, albeit only slightly. My social life is like plate tectonics…things happen, but very very slowly, until there’s a quake. And then it all comes crashing down.

Unless you’re standing in a doorway. And right now I feel like standing in the doorway.

Especially this particular doorway, from where I can gaze upon Officer Hottie while he helps make an accident report for a fender bender. Now if only I could think of some minor crime to commit to keep him around for some code violation flirting.

Instead I will snap out of it and get back to work on a few updates for you. Just so I can feel all current. I owe you updates on Mr. October and three possibilities for November. Yikes…November, which we are now nearly halfway through AND which has a holiday. I’m starting to think this might not happen.

I’ll break this up into several posts. But allow me to end this one with this update…

Guy still comes in and out of the picture. And continues to be the most interesting man in my life. But I have no delusions about us being together. In fact, I couldn’t say that I’d actually want us to get back together at this point. It certainly isn’t something I’m hoping for or trying to make happen.

I just prefer his attention to anyone else’s. Although I fear that moment of embarrassment when I realize he’s moved on. I’d like to be the one to move on first. I’m waiting for that mystical gent who can steal me from him. I’m not sure he’s out there, but I fully intend to be open to him if he arrives on the scene. (Ahem! Officer Hottie.)

I continue to count down to the end of this challenge when I can stop worrying about dating and just live my life. The day after my December date, I’m pulling my profile off OkCupid and I quit. There are so many other things to be concerned about, finding a guy falls into the same category as yard work. It seems like something I should do, but feels like a complete waste of time. I’d like to go back to just letting him find me for a change.

For now, I have a fading Mr. October and a bit of hope for November. Including an old-fashioned fix-up. Possibilities are the spice of life.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

J: Too much to ask

So, here we are now.

Mr. October=Me. Me=Mr. September.

Mr. October is totally into me. I have a great time, enjoy his company and have been having fun with him.

But my heart is cold.

I didn't wait long enough to jump into something new...not that this is really "something". We've only been out twice. However, after such a short time, he's completely and totally, puppy-dog devoted to me.

Is this how Mr. September felt? I really think so. Which hurts. Because if Mr. October disappeared out of my life right now...if he broke up with himself for I did for Mr. September, I'd be sad for a day or so but when it came down to it, I would be just fine. I'd move on without thinking about him all that much. And I sure wouldn't be calling him and begging him to come back into my life.

So, is Mr. October coming into my life a blessing or a curse?

This time with October has helped me realize that I have no choice but to move on past Mr. September. There's not gonna be a do-over like I had hoped for. And, that's unfortunate because I now realize that adoration isn't what I really, really want.

What I want is compatibility and equality and a true partnership. I need a combination of the two guys...a little bit of each...the best pulled from both relationships.

Apparently, that's too much to ask for.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

J: Last contact

Today is going to be, quite possibly, the very last day that I have any form of contact with Mr. September.

It’s his birthday and after much debate, I’ve decided to send him a “Happy Birthday” text.

After today, I have no reason, whatsoever, to be in contact with him ever again. It’s entirely possible that our paths will never cross.

I must admit…part of my heart is desperately hoping that this spawns a conversation. But, my brain is doing its best to try to keep my poor little heart from being disappointed when I get back nothing more than a “Thanks”…or worse yet…no response at all.

What I want is a “It’s so good to hear from you, I’ve missed you so very much, when can I see you again?” But even my silly heart knows that’s not the response I’ll get.

From here, I really must finally pack up those feelings into “Yeah, it was nice but it won’t happen again” boxes. From here, I’ll have to finally admit that he’s not going to show up to win back my heart with roses and tears and apologies. From here, I must move on.

I have a second date with Mr. October tonight and I couldn’t care less. I wonder if he’ll be able to tell.

I have plenty to keep me busy today. But, the only plan that really matters to me is sending this damn text.

Because, until it’s sent…and until he responds…I can still hold onto that tiny little tiny seed of hope.