Wednesday, October 13, 2010

S: Double Update

I have two updates for you this evening. Neither one of them involves Guy.

I know, right?

Update 1: Mr. September

Mr. September has been set free. And, yes, I did it by text.

Before you judge me…he asked the question via text, so why is it wrong for me to supply the answer via text? It’s not like I hung up on him and then texted him. Or he asked me in person and I said “yes” and then texted “no.”

Ask in a text…get an answer in a text. Fair’s fair, right?

I haven’t heard much from Mr. September since last week. I was hoping he had come to the realization that we just weren’t going to be a thing and I wouldn’t hear from him any more. But then, every now and then I would get a message from him about not much of anything. Just little check-ins. I would say “D’oh!” to myself and reply in kind.

Again, early this week I stopped hearing from him and figured he finally got it. Until this evening when he checked in once more. And then…he asked if I would be interested in getting together again.

There it was. The question. Would I be interested?

No. I would not.

I wrestled over the text thing until I made the decision I described above. I had thought it would be more classy to call and tell him we weren’t going to be, but he texted, so I replied. After a text question, a call would have seemed like a bigger deal than it needed to be.

Basically, I told him that I didn’t feel like we had connected. I was surprised we hadn’t, but we hadn’t. I told him I didn’t see this going anywhere and I didn’t want to take up his time or give him false ideas. Then I told him I hoped he could respect that.

He’s at a movie tonight, so I haven’t heard anything. I don’t really expect to. I mean, we went on two dates, so it’s not like we had a big thing going.

As I sent the text, I said to the universe, “Goodbye, nice boy.” I’m guessing this is not the last time I will have to say that to the universe. If not to an actual boy.

And now, on to the fun stuff…

Update 2: Mr. October

Onward and upward. I think. But who knows? We’ve never met. But we certainly connect in text. And at this point, I’m very curious about the guy who could so totally distract me from The Guy.

Because he has.


And even if we don’t go on more than one date, he seems like an awesome guy to know. I’d like an opportunity to make my way into his world a little bit.

Finally, today, after about a week of messages and two days of pretty regular texting (as in, first in the morning to last at night), he asked if I would be up for a lunch date sometime soon.

Lunch is better for him because he’s a full time dad. But then he also mentioned he would be available next Tuesday evening for a while if that worked better for me.

My daytime schedule has been way too open lately, so I told him I could do just about anything that would work for him. He mentioned having a project that was keeping him pretty busy, so I figured we would have to work around his schedule more than mine.

I also figured we’d have to wait until next week because he mentioned that he was pretty busy this week. But then suddenly lunch tomorrow was on the table.

Bwahahaha! “On the table.” Get it? I kill me.

Lunch tomorrow sounded great to me. I really want to meet this guy. I don’t think I could have made arrangements for a date next week and then waited days and days for it to happen. I gotta know if we connect. He has piqued my interest.

Well done, Octy. Well done.

Hey! I have an October date scheduled! I really didn’t think I would. I wasn’t going to ask anyone and I wasn’t going to work it to get anyone to ask me. I was just going to let October pass. The dating thing was making me miss Guy too much.

And now, much to my delight, there is a date in my lap. (ahh yeah) Where it fell. Without any effort. Well, beyond taking a good picture and posting clever profile answers on the internet. And being all cute in my messages. Which is SUPER hard.

I have a date tomorrow!

Apparently I’m a little excited about this. And nervous. He thinks my pictures are pretty, but what if he doesn’t think I’m pretty in person? He seems really into me, but what if I’m not very interesting in person? What if we have nothing to talk about? What if I’m disappointing to him?

Wait. He’s just October. I’ve enjoyed our digital exchanges, but if we don’t connect in person, it’s not like we’ve lost anything. I’ll need a new distraction, but maybe not as much any more.

But, wait again, what if he’s into me but I’m not into him? I really REALLY hope that doesn’t happen. I hope, whatever goes on, it’s mutual.

And he still thinks I’m pretty.

Update of the Updates

First, I noticed on OkCupid tonight that Mr. October has removed his profile. Hmmmm...done looking? Interesting.

And second, this just in…Mr. September sent a reply.

He said that he understood but that it was a pity. (smiley face included) He wished me luck and told me to take care. I replied that it is indeed a pity and that he too should take care.

Only two more months. Thankfully. Then back to spinsting.

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