Sunday, July 18, 2010

J: Frist contakt

Within the first hour of posting my profile online, someone contacted me!

The subject of the message was "smothing defrant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and the message was something like "hey, how r u right me back let's see what might be happen”.

I had heard that this site was for smarter people and so I thought...hmmm...maybe this guy is trying to be clever. Or maybe I just wasn't smart enough to 'get it' myself and there's a joke that I don't understand. So I went into his profile and discovered that about every other word had been either misspelled or used incorrectly.


While I was flattered that he responded so quickly and even though I'm running out of month, I just can’t, can’t, can’t respond and encourage him.

I really believe that when you’re only contact is via what you write it’s so very important to put your best foot forward! SPELLCHECK! Or for goodness sake…have a friend read it over it least once!

Sorry dude.

Hopefully it only gets better from here!


  1. I hope it does too. I didn't have much luck with match or okcupid... My friends call me picky but they have no idea some of the messages I've received.

  2. Is there no bigger turn off than a profile full of spelling mistakes and missing punctuation?

    Call me a snob but I couldn't see myself in a long term relationship with someone who can't write properly.

    Good luck!

  3. OMG. Bad spelling is totally my pet peeve!
