Friday, May 14, 2010

J: May Delay #2

Literally right after my last post, I looked down at my cell and hey lookie there…a text from the potential Mr. May.

Cancelling our date.

He’s really, really busy. The friend who set us up even warned me about that. But this is the second time he’s cancelled.
And this last time was with less than 24 hours notice.

Yes, I was apprehensive about the date, but that doesn’t mean that I wanted it cancelled!

I responded…(perhaps a little standoffish-ly) so that he would know that I got his text. He immediately responded to thank me for understanding and to say that he really would call me again.

Now I’m apprehensive about something entirely different: Will I find my May date after all?

I didn’t realize how much I was counting on this guy.

Sure, there’s the waiter who texted me, but after a couple of back-and-forth texts, that conversation dwindled away.

I DID have a maybe-date with a guy in my dance classes this month that MIGHT count…but only if things get desperate.

I’ll run it by my challenge femme-buds and see what they have to say and report back.

And, in the meantime, I’ll keep my hopes up and my eyes peeled for any potential Mr. Mays that might cross my path.

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