Friday, May 14, 2010

S: Friday at last!

Yippeee!! It's Friday!

Guy's plane lands in a matter of minutes. We'll be in the same city again!

There aren't enough exclamation points for how excited I am.

Unfortunately, I won't get to see him until later. I'd love to go get him and his son at the airport, but I'm working today. The good news is that it seems like I'll get done early enough to join him on a bike ride later this afternoon, which almost makes my head spin.

My only bone of contention? The so called "fair" weather we are having. Do you think it's fair that I had to come home to cold and rainy and gross and he gets to come home to warm and sunny and beautiful? Me either.

This weather is so not fair.

But I don't care. I'm happy to see the sun. I'm overjoyed to be seeing him. And I'm glad that we will have the whole evening to spend together.

I'll wait until Monday to start preparing myself for when he's gone for a week (and barely reachable) again in July.

For now...don't come a knockin'.

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