Monday, February 8, 2010

S: Sporting Chance - upDATE Part Deux

Well, Dateketeers, the evening did not turn out as expected. For one thing, I only made it to one of the parties I was supposed to attend. I was just having so much fun that time flew by too fast and I didn’t want to leave.

Besides, Eligible Bachelor didn’t show up until almost halftime. What’s a girl to do? Stay and be fabulous, of course.

As I mentioned before, I had decided to go to the party with the better date chances first. I got there just at kickoff and found that there were quite a few people there who I knew, so already the evening started off great.

However, when I arrived, there were no eligible bachelors in the vicinity (other than the guys I already knew). Trust me…I checked. But that was fine because there were also no cute guys in the vicinity and if any of them had been the aforementioned “undatable” my friend suggested, I would have had to question his taste in men. Which I guess he would not have minded, being 15 shades of hetero and all.

Despite there being no prospects in attendance, the party was a marvelous time and I was glad I had chosen to start there. This particular friend has fantastic taste in all things beverage, so the wine was very good. The conversations were engaging and the food selection was delectable. And then my pal shared some amazing Scotch with me, so even if the rest of the night was a bust, I could not have complained.

But wait! Just before halftime, when I was going to head to the next party, enter Eligible Bachelor. Nice looking Eligible Bachelor at that. I noted his arrival, but wanted to remain cool and occupied. This was easy because he knew some people there, so was immediately involved in several conversations. I was able to keep my distance and plan how I would get into a group with him. Thankfully, my friend was all kinds of on it. I could tell from some sneaky eye contact with my buddy that the new arrival was indeed the guy I was supposed to meet and I knew he would make it happen. Even superfoxes need a wingman.

I did my best to have lively chats with other people in the area so I would seem friendly and fun. I am very skilled at making everything look like it’s the most fun ever. And then my pal nonchalantly made his way over and eventually we were able to merge our conversations and BAM, I’m chatting with E.B. Who, managed to pretty much stick around for the rest of the evening, I might add. We had other conversations, but it seemed like we kept ending up in the same groups and talking to each other.

Excellent (she says, tapping the tips of her fingers together). My plan is working.

He seemed like a genuinely sweet guy and was very easy to talk to. Despite the fact that I feel like we aren’t really each other’s type, we did have some things in common (including being fans of the same college football team and a love of candy). These are things that I should be able to use to my advantage if I end up in touch with him in the future. They are being noted in his permanent file.

We ended up leaving the party at the same time (I have coordinated exits like this in the past. It is an excellent way for getting that last few minutes alone with a guy to leave a good impression. Works every time.), and as fate would have it, our cars were parked near each other. We chatted a bit at the cars and then he helped me brush the snow off mine before I left. See…I told you he was sweet.

As we were saying our “it was nice to meet you…take care” stuff, he suggested that I come out and tailgate with him and his crew during the next football season.

Oh (cue the sad trombone). And here I thought it was going well.

But no. “Nice to meet you, I’d sure like to see you again in, say, 9 months or so.”

Let’s not move too fast or anything.

O.k., that's fine. It's all good. Stay in it, Yosemite. There's still gold in these parts.

There wasn’t much for me to do at that point but say that that sounded like fun and good night and then make my way home. And that's what I did. But, I didn’t figure that all was lost, it just seemed that now I would have to enlist my buddy to do a little prompting. It’s good when you have a wingman willing to nudge gently. Hopefully he would be able to help seal the deal for me.

Then, on my way home, my pal texted me to say that E.B. had asked if I was single and he suggested that he friend me on Facebook. Score! This made me feel much better. He had actually asked about me. Unsolicited. (Well, if you can call me flirting my tail off “unsolicited.”)

This is a very good sign.

Let’s just hope he doesn’t pansy around for too long and gets this Facebook thing going. February is tick-tocking away. And I’m all out of sports parties.

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