I just got stood up.
I should be on my coffee date right now with Mr. October. Instead, I’m sitting here at a bistro table for two, all by my lonesome, typing up a blog especially for you.
The potential Mr. October texted me 10 minutes before the agreed upon time to tell me that he was stuck in the middle of a car accident. Apparently, it happened two hours ago and the police was just now taking statements.
I can’t really take this personally. I was still on the road, myself, when he texted me to cancel. It’s not like he showed up, saw me, drove away and texted me with the oh-so-bad news.
Since I was fitting this date in before a dance class anyways I texted back expressing my surprise & concern but also letting him know that I had set my my heart on a pumpkin latte and still needed to kill an hour before class, so I’d be here with a book. He should show up if he finished up sooner than expected.
Basically, I left another door open. Man, it’s getting breezy in here…
While I haven’t really been looking forward to tonight…now that it’s not happening, I’m a little disappointed. Is it pathetic to say that I needed this date? Even if I was the one who did the breaking, my ego still hurts. It would have helped to be able to say that in less than 4 days (not even 92 hours!!!!), I was out with someone new.
Luckily, last night I got a message from another chap that I was chatting with via OKCupid, in my pre-Mr. September days who noticed that I was back online. He asked me out for dinner on Wednesday. Initially, I was going to try to push him off for a week…only so that he could have the illustrious title of Mr. November (for his own benefit, of course!) Now, I’m glad that I waited to respond. While I already have plans on Wednesday, Thursday might just become (conveniently) available.
And if we make that happen, I guess I could still say “less than a week”.
6 years ago
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