I found Mr. September on OKCupid. Okay…actually, he found me.
In short, we emailed back and forth and back and forth and our messages got longer and longer. So, when we discovered that we work at the same (very large) company, we decided that it was time to meet for lunch….and so that we could IM at work, we exchanged… (da da dummmmm) last names.
With the exchange of last names, we were now exposed to the ability of looking each other up on the corporate directory. And on the directory are… (da da dummmmm) badge pictures. (Which are typically about 1000 times worse than driver’s license pictures.) Seriously.
I promised not to check out his badge picture, and after getting his promise to do the same I’m proud to say that I haven’t even peeked! Haven’t checked out any of the other stuff I can see either…and in my role, that’s a lot! Haven’t even let my coworkers check it out on my behalf. Honorable, huh?
So our lunch date happened on Thursday.
I’d seen his online pictures on his profile but it turns out, while they were good, they didn’t do him justice. This guy is sooo cute! He’s taller than me, (even in my heels!) He has dark hair (a full head of it!!!) and bright blue eyes. This one’s the perfect level of hot.
But as I get to know him, I’m finding that he’s great, beyond the physical cuteness. He’s funny, he’s smart, he’s thoughtful, he’s clever and most important of all…he really seemed to ‘get’ me. I’d throw out a subtle joke and he’d pick it right up and run with it.
So refreshing! And FUN!
He’s also been married before but has been divorced now for 2 years. His was a similar situation to mine with the exception of the fact they had a child (who now lives with him 75% of the time. An issue? Hmm…I don’t know yet.) He has a great job, he’s a Christian, he has a dog, he loves traveling and is a bit of a foodie…and did I mention his sense of humor?
I probably don’t need to say it…but I will...lunch was FABULOUS! This was without doubt the most promising of all of my dates so far. I walked back in to work grinning like a fool.
And, not only was the first date rockin’, we lined up a second date already! We’re going dancing TONIGHT!
Apparently, he dances like Elaine (his words!) So he’s set my expectations extremely low. But he’s willing to learn and willing to give it a try. That’s all I can really ask for, right?
Plus, his passion is boating & wakeboarding. If a second date is going to involve something that one of us loves, I’d much rather be putting on boots than a swimsuit! ;)
Wish me luck, friends! I hope tonight is magical.
6 years ago
Way to go Jane, excited for you, hope you have a great time and have better kisses than with Mr. May