Thursday, June 24, 2010

S: Un-Birthday Update

All is right with us as far as birthdays are concerned.

It’s now just a funny story and part of our mutual history.

Guy continues to feel bad about having the date wrong, but it really doesn’t bother me. He was merely thinking it was on a different day. It happens.

Of course, he won’t let himself live it down. In fact, he keeps telling people what he did so they can tell him what a jerk he is. Which they do. (One of his friends did commend him on his genius move…setting the bar low for next year.)

I defend him fiercely.

He’s no jerk.

To make up for the day, he took me out for a very tasty sushi dinner the next evening. And then bought me delicious birthday ice cream (as I had done for him on his birthday). His son was with us and that cut the evening short, until I went to his place later, but we had a great night together all the same. And it was sweet that he wanted to do something he knew I would enjoy. Especially since sushi is something special we share, as he had never tried it before dating me.

I know you’re probably wondering about a gift, but you must remember that in May he paid for me to take a fantastic, albeit short, vacation in Florida. At the time I made him make it my birthday gift because it was a lot of money to spend on me. And I told him not to get me anything else. So no gift was expected or warranted.

He has more than made up for his minor mistake. He does so many sweet and thoughtful things for me that I find it difficult to hold small errors over his head. Besides, he’s just too hot to be mad at.

And my job just ruined Jimmy Buffett weekend, so it’s my turn to hop on the profuse apology wagon.

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