Wednesday, February 3, 2010

S: Maybe Not Doing This Right

So, I have now been asked out twice for later this week. And I am going completely against Date Club principles to decline both offers.

It’s possible I may not be doing this right.

January texted me last week, but I was busy on the night he suggested we get together. His response was “maybe next week” and then some other kind of cute stuff (which seems to only manifest itself in digital communique). Then I forgot to reply. Because apparently I’m just not a nice person. Or I’m no good at remembering to do something for longer than 47 seconds.

Raise your hand if you’re at all surprised that I’m the spinster of the group.

I have now emailed January to say that this weekend has suddenly gotten booked up. Which is really not the truth, but a much gentler reality. Then I made an off-hand remark about the whole month suddenly getting way busier than I was expecting it to. Which actually is the truth, but now seems like a blow-off since that’s what I’ve been kindly trying to do with him.

I’ve lost all sense of reality.

But seriously, is there a book called “She’s Just Not That Into You” because it would help here. I’ve Googled it and I don’t see anything. Big shocker that men wouldn’t possibly need a book with this title. I mean, ALL single girls are into men who show them interest, right? We are all just that desperate.

Or are we?

The other date request has come from the friend I mentioned in my previous post. Following the same basic script as January, he said he had a good time and wonders if I want to get together this weekend. I’m not sure what to do at this point. What I need to do is tell him that I’d like to hang out, but we need to talk about what exactly that means. We need to have “the talk.” But how do I do that without begging the question right then and there and having to have the conversation when not face-to-face? (Which this old fart finds to be rude.) If I just hint at the fact that we should have a conversation, will he drop it altogether and not give me a chance to explain myself? Thereby mucking up the friendship anyway, just by-the-by.

Such complications. Such issues I am not accustomed to handling. Well, not accustomed to handling at all well anyway.

AND, furthermore! I still have no prospects for a February Date Club date. I am in a position to decline not 1, but 2 dates this week and I still don’t know how I’m going to make my quota and not have to pay up for this month.

Three days into month 2 and this is going to be the end of me.

Maybe I should just get another cat.


  1. It's called "Your Just Not That Into Him" It's out there girl!

  2. Ahhh, yes, but is it written for women or men? I think the boys need a book to tell them that we aren't always that interested. But my feeling is that the world believes that we ARE always interested because we are all so desperate to land a husband. Which, really, we aren't.

    I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip.

    And thanks for reading!
