Thursday, February 4, 2010

J: Curly…straight…how about a date…woo…

I am way too overly nervous about tonight’s speed dating experience. My friend who signed up with me (and has done this before) sent over a helpful article all about speed dating.

The article stresses the importance of the first impression and provides a helpful list of questions that I should anticipate, or even consider asking, if there happens to be a lull in the conversation. The list of questions literally made my blood freeze in my veins and my palms instantly start sweating. Here are some actual examples of recommended questions:
  • “How long did your last relationship last & why did it end?”

  • “What are your political beliefs?”

  • “What do you look for in a husband/wife?”

  • “Where do you see yourself in 5 year’s time”

  • “If you could travel back through time, what single mistake would you correct in life?”

Etc, etc, etc…you get the picture! These questions are meant to target and eliminate anyone who doesn’t fit into the asker’s mold of the perfect life partner. Forget “fun”…this is some serious stuff!

In my book these are all questions to AVOID on first dates. And I’m actually supposed to share the answers to these deeply personal questions with a stranger that I’ve known for less than 8 minutes?? These are subjects that should only be broached once you’ve established that there’s actually something between the two of you…not as a follow-up to “Hi, my name is Jane.”

This article basically was suggesting that speed dating should be akin to an interview…even to the extent that you should have a 1-2 minute “all about me” speech prepared…and memorized! Eek!

Adding to the interview stress, I’m having wardrobe AND hair trauma.

On my “You’re a confirmed guest for our ‘Cupid Party’” email it again stressed the importance of the first impression and highly recommended dressing ‘fashionably’. Uhhh….business casual fashionable? Going dancing fashionable? Nightclub fashionable? Hanging with the gal pals fashionable? Dog park chic? I’m so confused!

Annnnd….my hair. Oh, my hair. I have some crazy hair that is a bit ummm…shall we say…schizophrenic. I recognize that I’m lucky in that I can force it into either curly or straight mode but, either way requires a conscious choice & supreme effort. My curls demand a lot of attention and if I’m not careful, they quickly go from cute curls to frizz. But going straight takes a lot of work as well and straight can go quite ugly when there’s even a drop of moisture in the air.

In my personal opinion, I’m much cuter/sexier/more confident & charming when my hair is straight. As luck would have it, it’s raining today. Buckets. Which means curls.

So, tonight, I’m walking into an interview situation without my 2 minute “about me” speech prepared, with best case: curly/worst case: frizzy hair and potentially the wrong type of “fashionable” attire (if I even hit the ‘fashionable' mark at all!) I’ve expressed my fear to my friend and she’s reassured me that it won’t be nearly as scary as I’m expecting. I’m supposed to relax and think “FUN”!

This is just another boundary that’s being stretched…of course it will feel a bit uncomfortable.

And, if nothing else, they promised to have special prices on cocktails! Wish me luck!

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