Thursday, January 14, 2010

E: The Truth About Elle

I am a thirty-something single gal livin' it up in a sunny coastal town. I rent a condo with mango-colored walls, drive a sporty car, travel to faraway places, and can spot a Coach knock-off from across the room. I'm independent, self-sufficient, and know how to change a tire (just call AAA). I am one of the fortunate people who actually likes getting up for a job that challenges me and allows me to give back to the community. I enjoy going out on the town, and can hold my own in a room full of strangers. I have oh-my-gosh-you'll-never-believe-this-really-happened-to-me stories out the wazoo. And in some ways I'm the envy of a lot of my married friends (at least that's what they tell me on facebook)!

However, there is a discontentment behind my signature smile. I don't think many can see it - I hide it well. In fact, I venture to say that most of my co-workers think I am an overly-happy person, well content with my life of singleness. So not true! The truth is, more than anything I want to find that special someone - I don't even require the 2.5 kids or the white picket fence - just the man! And I know this because I had him once before...

Rewind nine years, back to that horrific day when I got the news that my husband of nearly 5 years had passed away in a sudden accident. I mean here today, kissed goodbye honey, and then never came back home. It left me with an empty house and the pain of unrealized dreams. Grief rocked me to the core, but I am proud to say that I emerged on the other side of it stronger and with a deeper appreciation for life and everyone in it. And so it began, the process of reinventing myself as a single person...yikes!

So, I did what most people seem to do after a significant life event - pick up and relocate to the coast! First item on the agenda was to learn how to date again - I didn't know the rules and I was horrible at it. Naive (what do you mean they don't call when they say they're going to?), clumsy (how the hell do you club dance?), and just plain ignorant (why did the guy I met while driving on the interstate stand me up on our second date?). I fumbled my way through for a couple years and then an episode of Oprah changed my life. She introduced the revolutionary Greg Behrendt, and his book "He's Just Not That Into You." Finally, armed with the mack daddy of dating books, I was able to figure out the dating patterns of men and save myself a lot of guesswork. I also learned that I was a superfox, and worthy of being treated as such. ;)

Which brings me to today, and why I'm in this challenge. I know what I want. I know how to date (and club dance, salsa and two-step, thank you very much), and I've done my fair share of it. I've blind dated and e-harmonized. But aside from one serious relationship since my move to the coast, it has been hard for me to find someone I really click with. Dating is a numbers game and I suck at math! I have to admit I've spent many a Saturday night at my sister's house playing firetruck with my nephew. And while my nephew is King, this does nothing to further my chances of meeting a handsome eligible fireman (or doctor, banker, etc.) I need to get in the game, and this challenge forces me to keep putting myself out there. There is no plethora of single men where I live (think, beach & sunshine = geriatric), so I'll have to really make an effort to meet new people! Will I find a love connection? Maybe. Will I have fun? You betcha.

Thanks, Jane, for twisting my arm - I'm so up for this challenge. And I'm pretty sure I'll have some oh-my-gosh-you'll-never-believe-this-really-happened-to-me stories to add to my collection!


  1. what brought you to the belief that you're a superfox?

  2. Hello Anon! We date club gals welcome any and all feedback, and I am more than happy to answer your question. Obviously you have not had the pleasure of reading the eye-opening, brutally honest dating bible called "He's Just NOT That Into You." Let me give you the abbreviated version. Too many times us women find ourselves making excuses for why a man says and acts like he does. We allow ourselves to be mistreated and give our power to the men. Greg refers to us women as superfoxes, to remind us that dating is simple. Bottom line, if a man is attracted to us and wants to be with us, he will call and pursue. If we adopt the superfox state of mind, we are less apt to take any crap from a man or torment ourselves by trying to figure out why they do what they do. I encourage you to embrace your inner superfox too. That is, if you are a woman. If you are a man, stop treating us like crap. Ciao - Elle

  3. Elle, my sistah in singlehood, "superfox" does not even begin to describe you.

  4. Elle is the very definition of "superfox" in attitude, mindset and...hello...check out that picture! ;)
