Tuesday, July 27, 2010

S: Question For You

So, I'm thinking of sending Guy excerpts from some of the early posts about our relationship. I like how exciting and surprising everything was at the time and I think the things I felt then would be flattering to him. As well as remind him what it was like in his world at the time.

Sort of love letters 2.0.

What do you think? Should I give him a little glimpse (just in a document, not by linking him to the actual blog) or would letting him read my "diary" prove detrimental?


  1. Could backfire, he may want to read more and see what you've been feeling/writing about lately. If he's really curious, I'm sure he could do some searching and find this blog if he really wanted to and read everything, my advice...proceed with caution

  2. i wouldn't do it...it could end up being a really bad thing.
