Doesn't every girl have someone they know who they consider to be their ultimate? I'm talking about some super sexy, melt your panties hunk of a guy, who you most likely know casually and is most usually unavailable or unattainable? Someone with whom you feel that chemical connection with so deep that you just sizzle inside? You know who I'm talking about. He's no one you could ever date, but he is that guy you see in your dreams once in a while, and who brings a smile to your face every time you think about him. Which isn't all the time (you aren't obsessing over him for heaven's sake), but just often enough. Well, my ultimate walked into my life last Thursday night and boy do I have a story to tell you.
Let's rewind a year, to how I first met this gorgeous human being. I was a passenger on a plane and he was the pilot. Granted, I do have a thing for pilots. I mean, there is just something super sexy about a man who can fly. They are solely in control of a multi-million dollar machine and the safety of hundreds of passengers. They travel around the world for their job (at top speed!), and they rock those uniforms. But my infatuation with this guy went beyond that. There was something in the way he talked and the way he smiled and flirted with me. We became Facebook friends, and that was about it. Then one day about 3 months later he contacted me to say he was going to be in the area and wondered if we could get together. I was beyond excited at the thought of him jetting here and spending the weekend with me. And that he did. We had so much fun! I took him out on the town, and we went dancing, hung out on the beach, listened to live music, enjoyed some margaritas. We even had some deep conversations, which left me with a major crush on this guy by the time he left.
But there's always a catch. (which is why I say these types are most usually unavailable/unattainable) He had told me he had a long-term girlfriend with whom he had just broken up. And come to find out a week later, from the girlfriend herself, he wasn't as broke up as he thought he was. She actually called me to let me know that, and was wanting my sympathy for the fact he was catting around behind her back. Well, the last thing I needed was to be in the middle of an obvious domestic dispute, so I backed off and didn't talk to him for a long time. She made it easier - crazy as she was, she hacked into his FB account and defriended me. She also erased my number from his phone.
Oh well, not that big of a deal to me. It's not like I ever thought of a future with this fly boy. But I never forgot him....and the time we had together.
Fast forward a few months and picture me, traveling alone in an airport on a short layover. Flying his airline, and wondering if the stars would align and by some crazy off-chance I would have the pleasure of bumping into him again. I had already decided that texting him to let him know I was there was not a good idea. But, as fate would have it, I happened to be in his terminal all of 10 minutes and during that time heard his name over the paging system. Was this some kind of sign? Did I hear that right? Was my mind playing tricks on me? I mean, what are the chances of that? Well, curiosity got the best of me (as it usually does) so I texted him to ask him if he was there in the airport. He called a few minutes later to find out who the heck had texted him (remember, crazy girlfriend deleted my number) and when he found out it was me he immediately asked where I was so he could meet me at the terminal. But, alas, by then I was already halfway across the airport and almost to board, so I missed seeing him. Important thing was, though, I re-established contact.
Since last summer we texted/talked casually maybe 2 or 3 times. And that was ok with me. He was in his rightful place in my mind as the unavailable ultimate hunk I'd love to see again.
So imagine my surprise when last Thursday, one incredibly ordinary day, out of the clear blue he calls me to let me know he would be in my town for the night, and wondered if I wanted to meet him and his flight attendant friends out at a club. Would I? Didn't have to think about that one twice. I met them all out at what should have been my bedtime, and we had a blast. It was so good to see him again. He was every bit as handsome as I remembered, gosh was he ever. We closed the clubs down, said goodnight to the flight attendants, and I gave him a hug as I was leaving. Somewhere along the line that hug turned into kisses, at which point I brought up the girlfriend. And as luck would have it, he told me he had just broke up with her (again) the day before. How convenient! Now I don't have gullible written on my forehead, I just didn't care. So I enjoyed the kisses to the full extent. Man did I enjoy them.
It was a brutal day at work the next day, as the morning consisted of non-stop coffee, and the afternoon non-stop diet coke. You'd think I would have been way too wired to crash on the couch after work. Not the case at all. Of course I woke up to his call later that evening. Something unbelievable had happened. As luck would have it, the flight attendants ended up on the same flight that day as his crazy ex? girlfriend (who is also a flight attendant). They were unaware the 2 of them were dating, and in casual conversation mentioned their escapades the night before with him, and one of his friends from the town they were staying in. Crazy ex-g figured out right away who he was visiting and went ballistic. He was calling to warn me that she was upset and he did not know what she was capable of. Just great.
The next day crazy girl texted me from his phone, acting like it was him. Then she called me and left a less-than-nice voicemail. I'm wondering how I didn't learn my lesson from the time before. Oh yeah, I remember, it was because he was my ultimate. And I don't mind if he stays in the unavailable status. But I wouldn't have changed a thing.
6 years ago
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