First…this happened…

I’ve been feeding Guy’s fish while he’s on vacation and apparently one of them decided it would be a good idea to expire on my watch. I thought it was pretty comical, but after the scorched popcorn incident, I’m guessing Guy isn’t going to let me into his house while he’s gone ever again.
Coincidentally, I was planning to have fish for dinner.
RIP, little orange fishie guy.
Second…Guy’s birthday is coming up very soon.
I’ve been trying to decide what to do for him. I like to make birthdays special and it’s always fun having a birthday when you’re with someone who can make it special. (The day of my birthday almost always stinks, no matter what the days surrounding it are like, so kudos will go to he who can make it special.)
Of course, Guy isn’t a kid any more, so I’m not sure just what a “special” birthday would really be. Do I show up at his office with treats? Do I decorate? Do I send a singing telegram? Do I make him wear a large, glowing button announcing that it’s his birthday
What is the best way to let him and the world know that I am so glad he was born?
Without making him regret that I was.
The actual day will be a busy one for him. I know he won’t be available for lunch and his son has a game after work, so he’ll be tied up with that for a while in the evening. This means no lunch date and dinner can happen, but probably not something fancy or drawn out. He’ll undoubtedly have meetings throughout the day, so if I want to stop by, I’ll need to find out when the best time is. Preferably without him finding out. But I’m not sure how much birthday shenanigans he will really tolerate. People can be hard to read in this regard.
AND, what do I get him? I have a lot of ideas, but I know that he will be displeased by me getting him anything at all. He doesn’t realize how much he deserves to be spoiled. And he knows I don’t have a lot of scratch right now, so when I present him with gifts, he will let me know, under no uncertain terms, that I really shouldn’t have.
Technically, it’s too late, I’ve already ordered one gift. The horse has already left the barn, so I’m just going to have to deal with the fall out. I couldn’t help it. I like buying gifts for people. Especially when I have something in mind that I know would be perfect.
Something I love about him is that he wears cologne. And just the right amount too. Smell is a big thing for me. And I always love the way he smells. He’s always yummy. He already has a few scents that he uses, but couple of months ago he showed me a sample that he had and uses every once in a while, so I ordered him some of that. The problem is, it’s a tad pricey, even through a discount retailer, so I fear that the gift will not be well-received.
I think he’s worth it, but he’ll think I’ve spent too much. This from the man who bought me a plane ticket to join him on vacation. And who wants to buy me a bike. Who has to think of reasons to buy me things. I’d like to return the favor. I’d like to show him how much he means to me.
One of the other things I plan to give him is…are you ready?…a key to my house. Yep, I’m going to give him 24/7 access to my domain.
But, really, why not give him a key? I have access to his house, he should have access to mine. I wouldn’t mind if he keyed in and snooped through all of my stuff, because I have nothing to hide. I wouldn’t mind if I came home and he was randomly there, because I don’t get to see him enough as it is. And I don’t mind if he has a key so he could help me out and take care of me when I need some backup, because he is good at helping me (even though I’m usually difficult about it).
Therefore, for his birthday, my casa shall become his casa. This gift WILL be well-received.
And who knows? Maybe he’ll do the dishes.
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