Guy and I really need to have the talk tonight. I'm hoping he'll accept my request for dinner and Rock Band. And then I'm hoping I have the cajones to draw a line in the sand.
It's September now and I either need to have a boyfriend or find a date. This half-n-half stuff isn't going to work. I wish I didn't have to face this, but I do.
I'm afraid he's going to opt for it being over. I'm afraid of the pain of that. I'm afraid that if it has to be over, then I have to cut him out of my life completely until I'm over him. I'm afraid that once again I will be losing something and someone I will miss for a very long time and always wonder about.
But what choice do I have other than to face these fears and deal with them head on? The situation is what it is. It's too late to turn back now.
Send strong vibes my way. I need all the strength I can get.
6 years ago
Good luck with the talk! Face your fears and I hope it goes well!